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The Destiny Card? Who is actually in control?


The Wheel of Fortune.

I've not been looking forward to this card if I'm honest. It's sometimes known as the card of destiny and references your life being in the hands of fate rather than yours to create. Call me a control freak but that does not light me up with enthusiasm.

This card is all about change. Keywords like impermanence and instability. As a person who needs a certain level of security in their life in order to feel relaxed and happy it's certainly not my favourite card to see popping up.

However as a living breathing human being, I cannot avoid change. External change is all around me, the weather, the seasons, my kids growing up, work situation and aspirations. That's all before we consider, cultural and political change . As I consider this more closely I can see that I'm not really in the same place as I used to be or even the same person that I used to be.

External changes have been responded to over the years and in turn I've gained knowledge and experience and changed internally. I've evolved. I know myself better, I'm wiser. I'm more choosy about how I spend my time and with whom. I like and trust myself a lot more.

So, throughout November when I have a day that feels frantic. If things feel out of my control, like someone else is pulling the lever and I'd like to get off for a minute, I will reflect on how far I've come. Although change might be challenging or too fast paced for my liking or keep pushing me outside of my comfort zone. It will mean that I grow. I'll meet new people, learn new things and become a more competent and experienced parent/partner/business owner.

Change opens up opportunities. What will you choose to say yes to?

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