The ace of pentacles is related to the element of earth, and the concrete world. Your personal resources, so therefore money and the opportunities to make money are front of mind.
We very often view this card as signifying a free gift, a windfall that drops into your lap unexpectedly and without effort. It might be more useful to view it as a seed full of potential. The opportunity for financial advancement, the beginning of successful endeavours that bring tangible results and rewards.
Sow those seeds of success, get projects going. Now is the time to invest in yourself and your future.
Planting the seed doesn't guarantee the outcome. But there is the potential for germination and growth. It's an opportunity for sure but without care and nurturing attention it won't come to anything much.
Here is a chance for us to put in the effort and regularly tend to new ways to create the reality you desire. From little acorns, mighty oak trees grow.
This card is my reminder that I have the power to choose actions which will get me closer to the outcome I desire. It's not enough to dream it, I must take action and behave in a way that will get results.
With this attitude we sense the common sense, grounded nature of the suit of pentacles. Solid, stable and reliable.
This attitude works for both huge changes or smaller projects.
Here are some questions to support your thinking while you are out walking, journaling or dreaming up your long term vision for your ideal life.
What difference do you want to make?
What outcome do you hope for?
What bold, brave move can you make to commit to a new direction?
What small action can you take to start things moving?
What are you afraid of?
Want to experience more partnered thinking with tarot prompts? Book a short session here: https://tidycal.com/sophiedyerthinkingpartner/90-minute-tarot-card-reading