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I have a hangover!


I’ve got a hangover!

Not the banging head, lurching stomach and furry tongue kind. No. A holiday hangover.

I feel despondent and gloomy because my holiday is over and behind me.

In an effort to rally my spirits, I’ve been wondering if I could keep the holiday vibes going. Can I replicate holiday ‘feels’ in everyday life? What was different about being away that’s missing from life at home? After all, the weather is warm enough for sitting out and wearing shorts.

Friends ask ‘Did you have a nice time?’ To which I reply, ‘It was great to spend time with my husband, we took time off work, no alarm clock ringing in the morning, no rushing to avoid being late. We slept in late, enjoyed every last exhibit in the museum, stopped for lunch had long dinners in the evening and stayed up for just one more cocktail!’

Boom, there it is! At the heart of our enjoyment was the luxury of having plenty of time. The gorgeous elastic stretchiness of time when you sit in sunshine with a book and nothing urgent to do.

That’s what was in short supply before our holiday and I’m in danger of heading straight back into feeling that the world has sped up and I don’t have an extra gear.

So this week I’m trying to find pockets of time. I’m cutting back on TV and social media, prioritising my to do list more sensibly, delegating more (sorry kids), getting up 10 minutes earlier to be less frantic and I’m mixing myself a Pina Colada!

Any suggestions on finding time and brain space please just hit reply and let me know what works for you. It’s our most precious commodity.

I’ll be back in July with more tarot talk and quite possibly some more rambling musings from a confused 48 year old woman.

Until then, cheers!

Sophie x

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