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The season of the witch - sex, blood and magick.


Why is the idea of the witch so appealing to so many women?

The witches we were told of in fairy tales as children were scary, malevolent, trying to trick or ensnare us, ugly, evil and ostracised, living alone outside of communities. There is nothing appealing in that but remember they were retellings by men like the Brothers Grimm designed to educate children and keep them safe through conformity.

How we are introduced to witches as adults through books, film and tv is very different. These witches mirror the 3 faces or forms of the goddess. Maiden - Mother - Crone. These witches more closely align with the feminine deities of nature worship.

We see the witch as maiden every time she is depicted as beautiful or sexy. She 'bewitches' men and 'captivates' them. They are 'entranced' by her and fall under her spell. They are powerless to resist her.

Sex and Power - a heady combination.

Sex has been weaponised, the news tells us that men are dangerous and predatory towards women, we are not safe to go out alone, while magazines tell us that we are nothing until desired by a man. That you should dress to attract a man but not try to hard or be too sexy, that is wrong, bad, slutty!

No wonder there is a strong draw to the witch, a woman standing strong in her power, in control of the sexual narrative, the very opposite of the vulnerable weaker sex.

This woman chooses sexual partners on her own terms to her own timetable and the act of sex makes her more powerful rather than debased.

As mother, she posses the ability to create life!!!!

A transformation which is bloody and visceral (with a slightly terrifying risk of death). Childbirth demonstrates a woman's physical strength and endurance. From the mysterious inner workings of her womb comes a brand new being!

Just remember the scene in Game of Thrones, the fear and awe as the Red Woman births that 'creature'.

And, finally the crone. The older witch depicted as a wise woman.

In a culture where youth and beauty is elevated to the only standard of acceptable attractiveness, any woman reaching or passing the menopause will undoubtedly have felt some ebb in confidence.

A flat stomach and perky boobs may be harder to find, anxiety, memory loss and tiredness may be harming your career. These things coupled with not being needed in quite the same way as a parent, is it any wonder that women can begin to feel less relevant and less visible in the world?

The witch as wise woman is integral to the health and wellbeing of her community. She is respected for her knowledge and experience not written off as 'past your best'.

Of course we want some of that.

The question should really be - why is the idea of the witch not appealing to EVERY woman?

The cards in the tarot deck that particularly reflect faces and forms or elements of the witch archetype are:

All the Queens - different faces of mother energy from the Queen of wands who has a lot of the feisty, sexy dynamism of Beyonce to the Queen of swords who could well be the poster girl for mid life women with her cutting put downs and clear discernment. (No fucks given!)

The Empress - womanhood in its physical embodiment - fertile, sensual and creative. Her feet are in the earth, part of nature and her hands stroke furs, satins and silks, the luxurious treats she know she deserves. Denial of physical pleasure does not exist here, food, wine, sex is all positive.

The High Priestess - All the knowledge collected and passed from one priestess to the next. Prove your worth and she will let you in, share the secret wisdom and if you are lucky you will also be inducted into that secret collective.

The Moon - the link to our 28ish day cycles, does the moon pull on our wombs the way it pulls upon the tides? The call outside to look up and be calmed. Intuition and dreams.

The World - cycles of life. Birth, puberty, pregnancy, labour, perimenopause, post menopause, death and rebirth.

Get in touch to book a Year Ahead reading giving you a framework of themes for the coming year with prompts to consider and suggested activities to support your values and goals. Or book on the next Tarot for Business Brainstorming workshop to learn how to use tarot cards to support productive thinking and problem solving without learning and remembering the meanings of 78 cards. :

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